[The "List Documents" button at the bottom of this note will display a list of individual litigation records bound together into a single volume. To view the volume in its entirety, use the first link ("Litigation Records") on the list.]
This file consists of testimony on behalf of Edison in the case of Chinnock v. Edison v. Wheeler, which involved conflicting claims over electrical distribution systems. Charles E. Chinnock (1845-1915) and Schuyler Skaats Wheeler (1860-1923) had both been associated with the Edison interests during the 1880s. Chinnock had served as superintendent of the Pearl Street central station in lower Manhattan and as vice president of the Edison United Manufacturing Co. Wheeler had been involved in the installation and operation of the Pearl Street station and other power plants at Fall River, Massachusetts, and Newburgh, New York, before organizing the Crocker-Wheeler Co. with Francis B. Crocker in 1888. The records in this volume cover the period January 1890-April 1892, beginning with a preliminary statement by Edison. Also included are depositions by numeorus employees and former employees of the Edison Electric Light Co. and the Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of New York.