[This folder has not been completely edited. Letters are currently being added, and documents identified as "to be edited" may not have images or complete database information. In addition, the information in the folder target (editorial description) may not be up-to-date.]
These letters are from Marian Nichols (1897-1988), stepdaughter of Mina Miller Edison's sister, Mary Miller Nichols. A letter from 1916 congratulations Mina on the birth of her first grandchild, Thomas Edison Sloane. Two letters from 1923 relate to Marian's plans to visit the Edisons at Glenmont and to attend the opera at Carnegie Hall with Mina. Included are her comments about various songs and artists.
There are approximately 40 letters and other documents by or about Marian Nichols in Books #8 and #9 on the Charles Edison Fund microfilm, as well as additional items in Book #35. Click here for a list of all the correspondence books on the CEF microfilm. Eight additional letters from Marian Nichols to Mina Edison can be found in the Family Records Series in Part V of the Thomas A. Edison Papers microfilm edition.