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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D0119AAA], Letter from Western Union, John Charles Barclay to Thomas Alva Edison, January 11th, 1901


Chicago. January 11, 1901 Thos A. Edison, Esq., Orange, N.J. Dear Sir: We installed one set of phonoplex instruments at Seattle, Was., one set at Vancouver, B.C., and one set at Victoria, B.C., December 14, 1900, to be used in cases of emergency. We experience quite a little trouble between Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria on account of trees falling on our lines, and decided to try the phonoplex in this service. It may be that we may not have occasion to use it for months at a time. Under the circumstances, what royalty do you propose charging for this service? Please advise me as soon as possible. Very respectfully, J.C. Barclay, Electrician
