[FR001AAB], Letter from Robert Anderson Miller to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, May 21st, 1888
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- Title
- [FR001AAB], Letter from Robert Anderson Miller to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, May 21st, 1888
- Editor's Notes
- 4-3459. [letterhead of Aultman & Co.] Dear Mina, ### Not having heard from you lately and the time slipping swiftly by I drop you these few lines trusting they will find you in excellent health and as bright, happy and cheerful as any could well be. Louise and I are the same old, dried up, recluses as of yore and I think our daily average now will not exceed four or five callers. This living in retirement is quite a change and seems to make one appreciate a little [society?] when they chance to have it. Our prospects brighten a little as Aunt Rochd. (Mrs. Clan’s) came back Wednesday and we rather expect our friends to make things lively for her. Canton is the same old town except that it is growing rapidly. The [lumber? Timber?] people are coming in and the great match works will soon be in operation and the McLeod signal we are putting up quite an excellent works and will be in operation this summer, so you see Canton is pushing forward quite fast. ### Uncle Jacob expected to start for Dakota this morning but missed the train so I guess he will go tomorrow morning. Aunt Alice is well and so are Uncle Lewis' folks, except the baby, but it is doing nicely and will soon be all right. ## How is the Phonograph? I see by the papers that every thing is ready for their manufacture. I would like one last of this month or first of next if I can get it as we want to have one (a Phonograph) to put in a tent and charge say 5 cents to hear and see it. I think quite a little would be made off it for the church. ## I suppose Father has been with you considerably lately and you see a great deal of him. I have not heard how his mission has been getting on but I expect "Vincent" will get there. Give Father my love and also give my love etc. to all accepting a great deal of Louises and mine for your own self. ## Write soon and often, ## Robert
- Author
- Miller, Robert Anderson
- Recipient
- Edison, Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.)
- Date
- 1888-05-21
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- FR001-F
- Microfilm ID
- 161:1005
- Document ID
- FR001AAB
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 161