[LB012198], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, May 1st, 1882
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- Title
- [LB012198], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, May 1st, 1882
- Editor's Notes
- I beg to confirm cables as follows##From you April [22]. Want man for [-----] with details dynamo via dynamo collection company in ]ma---]##To you april 24. Have cabled [illegible]##From you April 24. What is the amount of our bill on [Drexel].##From you Apr 26th. official order by mail for [-----] One hundred hundred light [magnet] [---] one hundred and fifty light thirty [candle] a lamps. thirty-tworegulator thirty two [----] assortment fixtures sockets [illegible] for above all dynamos bar armatures lamps cylindrical sockets [my] [----] still considering large dynamos above order includes dynamos already ordered##To you May 1. Cannot find man for dynamo building send over good live man we will instruct him here Drexel paid under your last cable instructions fifteen thousand eight hundred dollars Orders not filled above nineteen thousand dollars##The only man I could have sent you is Cunningham whom Batchelor cabled for some weeks back & who is by this time in London. I think if you send a thorough mechanic over here a few weeks at Goerck St would [---] him thoroughly & enable him to superintend Dynamo constructin at Manchester.##I am glad that your orders for apparatus is coming along I am preparing to take it up as soon as it arrives which should be in a vry few days now. I think if the Company are going to require Central Station Dynamos they should send their orders right away. By the middle of next week the Dynamos for the Central Station here will be completed. I have just started work on six more machines four of which will go to Batchelor & the other two I am building on spec. I am very much afraid that directly the station starts here the demand for Central Station machines will be very large & I should be sorry [to sell] the English Company [preproduced] [owing] to their not sending orders forward in good time.##The [prices] I cabled you were very low. The price on two light machines was calculated as if we had [been] [supplying] [foot] bar armatures right along of that size. I hope however by liberal use of special tools to cover myself.
- Author
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Recipient
- Johnson, Edward Hibberd
- Date
- 1882-05-01
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- LB012-F
- Microfilm ID
- 81:604
- Document ID
- LB012198
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 81
- Item sets
- [LB012-F] LB-012 (1882)