[LB012-F] LB-012 (1882)
Letterbook Series -- General Letterbooks
[LB012] Index, Undated
[LB012001], Letter from Samuel Insull to Armington and Sims, March 27th, 1882
1882-03-27 -
[LB012004], Letter from Samuel Insull to Edison Lamp Co, March 29th, 1882
1882-03-29 -
[LB012005], Letter from Samuel Insull to John F Randolph, March 31st, 1882
1882-03-31 -
[LB012005A], Letter from Samuel Insull to John F Randolph, March 31st, 1882
1882-03-31 -
[LB012006], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 1st, 1882
1882-04-01 -
[LB012007A], Telegram from Samuel Insull to Charles Turner Hughes, April 1st, 1882
1882-04-01 -
[LB012007B], Telegram from Samuel Insull to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 1st, 1882
1882-04-01 -
[LB012007C], Telegram from Samuel Insull to Charles Batchelor, April 1st, 1882
1882-04-01 -
[LB012008], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012008A], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Theodore Newton Vail, American Bell Telephone Co, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012009], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to George W Dyer, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012010], Letter from Samuel Insull to Egisto Paolo Fabbri, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012010A], Letter from Samuel Insull to Christian T Christensen, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012011], Letter from Samuel Insull to B Hardwick, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012011A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Peregrine Maitland Edison, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012016], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012016A], Letter from Samuel Insull to Porter Lowrey Soren and Stone, Grosvenor Porter Lowrey, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012017], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012017A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012019], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Thomas John Handford, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012023], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Thomas John Handford, April 3rd, 1882
1882-04-03 -
[LB012026], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Thomas John Handford, April 4th, 1882
1882-04-04 -
[LB012030], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Unknown, April 4th, 1882
1882-04-04 -
[LB012030A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Hamilton, April 4th, 1882
1882-04-04 -
[LB012033], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Alfred Arthur Reade, April 4th, 1882
1882-04-04 -
[LB012035], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to George W Dyer, April 5th, 1882
1882-04-05 -
[LB012036], Letter from Samuel Insull to Edward Goodrich Acheson, April 5th, 1882
1882-04-05 -
[LB012037], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, April 5th, 1882
1882-04-05 -
[LB012038], Letter from Samuel Insull to Mrs R C Bradley, April 5th, 1882
1882-04-05 -
[LB012038A], Letter from Samuel Insull to Armington and Sims, April 5th, 1882
1882-04-05 -
[LB012039], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012039A], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012039B], Letter from Samuel Insull to George Edward Gouraud, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012040], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012041], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012042], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Theodore Newton Vail, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012042A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles F Jacobsen, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012043], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012045], Letter from Samuel Insull to R M Hughes, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012045A], Letter from Samuel Insull to Armington and Sims, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012048], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Lamp Co, Francis Robbins Upton, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012048A], Letter from Samuel Insull to W S Lambert, April 5th, 1882
1882-04-05 -
[LB012049], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 6th, 1882
1882-04-06 -
[LB012053], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles John Bell, April 8th, 1882
1882-04-08 -
[LB012053A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Brill (J.G.) & Co, April 8th, 1882
1882-04-08 -
[LB012054], Letter from Samuel Insull to William Pitt Edison, April 8th, 1882
1882-04-08 -
[LB012054A], Letter from Samuel Insull to David H Cunningham, April 8th, 1882
1882-04-08 -
[LB012055], Letter from Samuel Insull to Arthur and Bonnell, April 8th, 1882
1882-04-08 -
[LB012055A], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to George W Dyer, April 8th, 1882
1882-04-08 -
[LB012059], Letter from Samuel Insull to Jay Gould, April 10th, 1882
1882-04-10 -
[LB012059A], Letter from Samuel Insull to Western Union, Roswell H Rochester, April 10th, 1882
1882-04-10 -
[LB012060], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Turner Hughes, April 10th, 1882
1882-04-10 -
[LB012060A], Letter from Samuel Insull to Armington and Sims, April 10th, 1882
1882-04-10 -
[LB012062], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Batchelor, April 10th, 1882
1882-04-10 -
[LB012071], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Batchelor, April 11th, 1882
1882-04-11 -
[LB012073], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Sherburne Blake Eaton, April 11th, 1882
1882-04-11 -
[LB012076], Letter from Samuel Insull to Foster and Thomson, April 11th, 1882
1882-04-11 -
[LB012076A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Collins and Corbin, April 11th, 1882
1882-04-11 -
[LB012081], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, April 11th, 1882
1882-04-11 -
[LB012082], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to United States Illuminating Co, Noel B Amory, April 11th, 1882
1882-04-11 -
[LB012082A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Francis Robbins Upton, Edison Lamp Co, April 11th, 1882
1882-04-11 -
[LB012083], Letter from Samuel Insull to Drexel Morgan & Co, Egisto Paolo Fabbri, April 12th, 1882
1882-04-12 -
[LB012083A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Lamp Co, James J Bradley, April 12th, 1882
1882-04-12 -
[LB012084], Letter from Charles Peters Mott to Francis Robbins Upton, April 12th, 1882
1882-04-12 -
[LB012084A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John F Randolph, April 12th, 1882
1882-04-12 -
[LB012089], Letter from Samuel Insull to William Carman, April 18th, 1882
1882-04-18 -
[LB012089A], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles L Dean, Edison Machine Works, April 18th, 1882
1882-04-18 -
[LB012093], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to George H Stout, April 19th, 1882
1882-04-19 -
[LB012093A], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to A A MacDonald, April 19th, 1882
1882-04-19 -
[LB012095], Letter from Samuel Insull to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 19th, 1882
1882-04-19 -
[LB012099], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Frank Salze, April 19th, 1882
1882-04-19 -
[LB012099A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Garret Dorset Wall Vroom, April 19th, 1882
1882-04-19 -
[LB012105], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, April 19th, 1882
1882-04-19 -
[LB012115], Letter from Samuel Insull to Arnold Henry White, April 20th, 1882
1882-04-20 -
[LB012121], Letter from Samuel Insull to T D Hodges, April 20th, 1882
1882-04-20 -
[LB012123], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Electric Light Co Ltd, Arnold Henry White, April 20th, 1882
1882-04-20 -
[LB012124], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Societe Electrique Edison, April 20th, 1882
1882-04-20 -
[LB012127], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Charles Batchelor, April 21st, 1882
1882-04-21 -
[LB012129], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Thomas John Handford, April 21st, 1882
1882-04-21 -
[LB012130A], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to David Hunter Brandon, April 21st, 1882
1882-04-21 -
[LB012132], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 21st, 1882
1882-04-21 -
[LB012139], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, April 21st, 1882
1882-04-21 -
[LB012140], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, April 21st, 1882
1882-04-21 -
[LB012141], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Great Northwestern Telegraph Co (Canada), American Bell Telephone Co, April 22nd, 1882
1882-04-22 -
[LB012145], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Eberhardt Nicholaisen, April 24th, 1882
1882-04-24 -
[LB012145A], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Lemuel Wright Serrell, April 24th, 1882
1882-04-24 -
[LB012146], Memorandum, Richard Nott Dyer, April 24th, 1882
1882-04-24 -
[LB012166], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to American Bell Telephone Co, William H Eckert, April 24th, 1882
1882-04-24 -
[LB012166A], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Lemuel Wright Serrell, April 26th, 1882
1882-04-26 -
[LB012167], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Batchelor, April 26th, 1882
1882-04-26 -
[LB012169], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Frederic Henry Betts, April 27th, 1882
1882-04-27 -
[LB012170], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 26th, 1882
1882-04-26 -
[LB012177], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Turner Hughes, April 27th, 1882
1882-04-27 -
[LB012181], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Electric Light Co Ltd, Arnold Henry White, April 28th, 1882
1882-04-28 -
[LB012183], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, April 28th, 1882
1882-04-28 -
[LB012188], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Lamp Co, May 1st, 1882
1882-05-01 -
[LB012188A], Letter from Samuel Insull to Edison Lamp Co, Francis Robbins Upton, May 1st, 1882
1882-05-01 -
[LB012196], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, May 1st, 1882
1882-05-01 -
[LB012198], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, May 1st, 1882