[SC88-F] Clippings (1888)
Unbound Clippings Series
[SC88001A], Clipping, Newark News, January 1888 1888-01-00
[SC88001B], Clipping, Modern Truth, January 9th, 1888 1888-01-09
[SC88001C], Clipping, January 1888 1888-01-00
[SC88002A], Clipping, American Settler, January 14th, 1888 1888-01-14
[SC88003A], Clipping, February 1888 1888-02-00
[SC88003B], Clipping, Ipswich East Anglian, January 14th, 1888 1888-01-14
[SC88003C], Clipping, Chicago Mail, February 11th, 1888 1888-02-11
[SC88003C1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, February 11th, 1888 1888-02-11
[SC88004A], Clipping, St Louis Globe Democrat, February 10th, 1888 1888-02-10
[SC88005A], Clipping, Indianapolis Journal, February 11th, 1888 1888-02-11
[SC88005A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, February 11th, 1888 1888-02-11
[SC88006A], Clipping, Scientific American, February 18th, 1888 1888-02-18
[SC88007A], Clipping, Edwin James Houston, English Mechanic, March 2nd, 1888 1888-03-02
[SC88009A], Clipping, London Post, March 5th, 1888 1888-03-05
[SC88009A1], Interview, George Edward Gouraud, March 5th, 1888 1888-03-05
[SC88013A], Clipping, Atlanta Constitution, March 17th, 1888 1888-03-17
[SC88013A1], Letter from William Preston Hix to Atlanta Constitution, March 17th, 1888 1888-03-17
[SC88014B], Clipping, Newark News, May 4th, 1888 1888-05-04
[SC88014B1], Interview, Charles Batchelor, May 4th, 1888 1888-05-04
[SC88014C], Clipping, Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, November 2nd, 1888 1888-11-02
[SC88015A], Clipping, Albany Knickerbocker Press, May 9th, 1888 1888-05-09
[SC88015B], Clipping, Philadelphia Public Ledger, May 12th, 1888 1888-05-12
[SC88015B1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, May 11th, 1888 1888-05-11
[sc88015C], Clipping, New York Tribune, October 26th, 1888 1888-10-26
[SC88016A], Clipping, Philadelphia Public Ledger, William Dennis Marks, May 26th, 1888 1888-05-26
[SC88016A1], Letter from William Dennis Marks to Philadelphia Public Ledger, May 26th, 1888 1888-05-26
[SC88016B], Clipping, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 22nd, 1888 1888-05-22
[SC88016C], Clipping, Charleston News and Courier, May 11th, 1888 1888-05-11
[SC88017A], Clipping, New York Herald, May 12th, 1888 1888-05-12
[SC88017A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, May 11th, 1888 1888-05-11
[SC88017B], Clipping, New York Journal, June 24th, 1888 1888-06-24
[SC88017C], Clipping, Newark Journal, October 26th, 1888 1888-10-26
[SC88018A], Clipping, New York Press, May 12th, 1888 1888-05-12
[SC88018B], Clipping, New Bedford Standard, October 5th, 1888 1888-10-05
[SC88018C], Clipping, New York Herald, November 26th, 1888 1888-11-26
[SC88018D], Clipping, New York Tribune, November 26th, 1888 1888-11-26
[SC88019A], Clipping, New York Post, May 12th, 1888 1888-05-12
[SC88019B], Clipping, New York Press, December 17th, 1888 1888-12-17
[SC88019C], Clipping, Kansas City Star, August 17th, 1888 1888-08-17
[SC88019D], Clipping, St Paul Dispatch, November 15th, 1888 1888-11-15
[SC88020A], Clipping, New York World, May 14th, 1888 1888-05-14
[SC88020B], Clipping, New York World, June 28th, 1888 1888-06-28
[SC88020B1], Interview, George Edward Gouraud, June 27th, 1888 1888-06-27
[SC88020C], Clipping, New York Sun, October 30th, 1888 1888-10-30
[SC88020D], Clipping, London City Press, November 15th, 1888 1888-11-15
[SC88020E], Clipping, New York World, December 6th, 1888 1888-12-06
[SC88021A], Clipping, Norristown Herald, May 19th, 1888 1888-05-19
[SC88021B], Clipping, London Star, July 9th, 1888 1888-07-09
[SC88021C], Clipping, New York Times, November 11th, 1888 1888-11-11
[SC88021D], Clipping, Marquette Journal, 1888 1888-00-00
[SC88022A], Clipping, Electrical World, May 19th, 1888 1888-05-19
[SC88023A], Clipping, Albany Argus, May 21st, 1888 1888-05-21
[SC88024A], Clipping, New York Star, May 13th, 1888 1888-05-13
[SC88025A], Clipping, New York Star, June 2nd, 1888 1888-06-02
[sc88025A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, June 1st, 1888 1888-06-01
[SC88025B], Clipping, New York Journal, June 3rd, 1888 1888-06-03
[SC88025C], Clipping, Newark Journal, June 5th, 1888 1888-06-05
[SC88025D], Clipping, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, June 7th, 1888 1888-06-07
[SC88025E], Clipping, Philadelphia Record, June 10th, 1888 1888-06-10
[sc88025E1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, June 9th, 1888 1888-06-09
[SC88026A], Clipping, Pottsville Standard, June 8th, 1888 1888-06-08
[SC88026B], Clipping, New York Herald, June 24th, 1888 1888-06-24
[SC88026C], Clipping, Times, June 6th, 1888 1888-06-06
[SC88026C1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, June 6th, 1888 1888-06-06
[SC88027A], Clipping, London Financial News, 1888 1888-00-00
[SC88027B], Clipping, London Financial News, 1888 1888-00-00
[SC88029A], Clipping, Indianapolis Sun, June 8th, 1888 1888-06-08
[SC88029A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, June 7th, 1888 1888-06-07
[SC88030A], Clipping, Harper's Weekly, Schuyler Skaats Wheeler, June 9th, 1888 1888-06-09
[SC88030B], Clipping, Harper's Weekly, June 9th, 1888 1888-06-09
[SC88032A], Clipping, New York Advertiser, June 9th, 1888 1888-06-09
[SC88032B], Clipping, Terre Haute Express, June 24th, 1888 1888-06-24
[SC88032B1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, June 24th, 1888 1888-06-24
[SC88033A], Clipping, Washington Star, June 11th, 1888 1888-06-11
[SC88033A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, June 11th, 1888 1888-06-11
[SC88034A], Clipping, Invention (Magazine), June 16th, 1888 1888-06-16
[SC88034A1], Interview, Ezra Torrance Gilliland, June 16th, 1888 1888-06-16
[SC88037A], Clipping, Boston Journal, June 20th, 1888 1888-06-20
[SC88037B], Clipping, October 6th, 1888 1888-10-06
[SC88038A], Clipping, New York World, June 1888 1888-06-00
[SC88038A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, June 1888 1888-06-00
[SC88038B], Clipping, St Joseph Herald, December 21st, 1888 1888-12-21
[SC88039A], Clipping, London Standard, June 30th, 1888 1888-06-30
[SC88039A1], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to London Standard, June 30th, 1888 1888-06-30
[SC88039B], Clipping, Newark Register, November 26th, 1888 1888-11-26
[SC88039C], Clipping, New York Graphic, December 1st, 1888 1888-12-01
[SC88040A], Clipping, Troy Times, July 3rd, 1888 1888-07-03
[SC88040B], Clipping, July 7th, 1888 1888-07-07
[SC88040C], Clipping, New York Star, July 17th, 1888 1888-07-17
[SC88040C1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, July 16th, 1888 1888-07-16
[SC88040D], Clipping, New York World, July 17th, 1888 1888-07-17
[SC88040E], Clipping, New Brunswick Times, December 7th, 1888 1888-12-07
[SC88041A], Clipping, New York Graphic, July 7th, 1888 1888-07-07
[SC88042A], Clipping, Chicago Journal, July 18th, 1888 1888-07-18
[SC88043A], Clipping, Kansas City Times, July 26th, 1888 1888-07-26
[SC88043B], Clipping, New York Sun, October 24th, 1888 1888-10-24
[SC88043C], Clipping, St Paul Dispatch, November 15th, 1888 1888-11-15
[SC88044A], Clipping, Newark News, July 17th, 1888 1888-07-17
[SC88044B], Clipping, Pittsburgh Times, July 30th, 1888 1888-07-30
[SC88044B1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, July 30th, 1888 1888-07-30