[X001M2-F] Edison Pioneers -- Howell, Wilson Stout (1855-1943) -- General
Edison Papers and Related Items
[X001M2AA], Technical Note, Edison Electric Illuminating Co (New York), Wilson Stout Howell, 1882 1882-00-00
[X001M2AB], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to St Paul Underwriters Union, October 27th, 1883 1883-10-27
[X001M2AC], Letter from Des Moines Edison Light Co, F E Cruttenden to Western Edison Light Co, February 13th, 1885 1885-02-13
[X001M2AD], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to John H Vail, January 11th, 1888 1888-01-11
[X001M2AE], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Phillips B Shaw, January 27th, 1888 1888-01-27
[X001M2AF], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Electric Illuminating Co (Williamsport), February 3rd, 1888 1888-02-03
[X001M2AG], Letter from Phillips B Shaw to Wilson Stout Howell, February 28th, 1888 1888-02-28
[X001M2AH], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Electric Illuminating Co (Mt Carmel), May 23rd, 1888 1888-05-23
[X001M2AI], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Francis Robbins Upton, June 25th, 1888 1888-06-25
[X001M2AJ], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Harrisburg Electric Light Co, Elias Z Wallower, June 30th, 1888 1888-06-30
[X001M2AK], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Reading Electric Light and Power Co, August 13th, 1888 1888-08-13
[X001M2AL], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Machine Works, September 13th, 1888 1888-09-13
[X001M2AM], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Electric Illuminating Co (Newburgh), September 22nd, 1888 1888-09-22
[X001M2AN], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Samuel Aldrich Crozer Jr., Edison Electric Light and Power Co (St Paul), December 1st, 1888 1888-12-01
[X001M2AO], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Chester Electric Light and Power Co, December 29th, 1888 1888-12-29
[X001M2AP], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Lamp Co, January 13th, 1889 1889-01-13
[X001M2AQ], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Electric Light and Power Co (St Paul), Samuel Aldrich Crozer Jr., February 6th, 1889 1889-02-06
[X001M2AR], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Electric Light and Power Co (St Paul), George H Finn, February 26th, 1889 1889-02-26
[X001M2AS], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Electric Light and Power Co (St Paul), March 14th, 1889 1889-03-14
[X001M2AT], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to John H Vail, April 18th, 1889 1889-04-18
[X001M2AU], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Electric Light Company of Atlantic City, May 1st, 1889 1889-05-01
[X001M2AV], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Somerville and Raritan Electric Light and Power Co, July 9th, 1889 1889-07-09
[X001M2AW], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Lamp Co, August 2nd, 1889 1889-08-02
[X001M2AX], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Wilkes-Barre Electric Light Co, August 8th, 1889 1889-08-08
[X001M2AY], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Edison Electric Illuminating Co (Williamsport), August 9th, 1889 1889-08-09
[X001M2AZ] Memorandum, 1889-1890 1889-1890
[X001M2BA], Essay, Wilson Stout Howell, February 10th, 1890 1890-02-10
[X001M2BB], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Francis Robbins Upton, January 19th, 1891 1891-01-19
[X001M2BC], Letter from Samuel Insull to Francis Robbins Upton, January 27th, 1891 1891-01-27
[X001M2BD], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Toronto Incandescent Electric Light Co, September 29th, 1891 1891-09-29
[X001M2BE], Letter from Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, William H Lanman to Wilson Stout Howell, April 18th, 1893 1893-04-18
[X001M2BF], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Almon Dobbins Page, March 25th, 1895 1895-03-25
[X001M2BG], Legal Testimony, Wilson Stout Howell, 1896 1896-00-00
[X001M2BH], Letter from Abby Howell Lee to Francis Jehl, July 19th, 1932 1932-07-19
[X001M2BI], Letter from William Russell Burrows to Francis Jehl, May 4th, 1939 1939-05-04
[X001M2BJ], Memorandum, Wilson Stout Howell, Francis Jehl, August 28th, 1940 1940-08-28
[X001M2BK], Letter from Wilson Stout Howell to Francis Jehl, 1940 1940-00-00