[D7802-F] (D-78-02) Edison, T.A. -- General
Document File Series -- 1878
[D7802ZZDF], Letter from C W Barnes to Thomas Alva Edison, September 30th, 1878
1878-09-30 -
[D7802ZZDF1], Letter from James Adams to Thomas Alva Edison, October 1st, 1878
1878-10-01 -
[D7802ZZDG], Telegram from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, October 1st, 1878
1878-10-01 -
[D7802ZZDH], Letter from James J Hamblet to Thomas Alva Edison, October 1st, 1878
1878-10-01 -
[D7802ZZDI], Letter from Theodore Puskas to Thomas Alva Edison, October 2nd, 1878
1878-10-02 -
[D7802ZZDJ], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, October 2nd, 1878
1878-10-02 -
[D7802ZZDK], Letter from Vesey F Butler to Thomas Alva Edison, October 2nd, 1878
1878-10-02 -
[D7802ZZDL], Letter from R Logan May to Thomas Alva Edison, October 2nd, 1878
1878-10-02 -
[D7802ZZDM], Letter from Z R Bennett to Thomas Alva Edison, October 3rd, 1878
1878-10-03 -
[D7802ZZDN], Letter from George Bartlett Prescott to Thomas Alva Edison, October 3rd, 1878
1878-10-03 -
[D7802ZZDO], Letter from Thomas B A David to Thomas Alva Edison, October 4th, 1878
1878-10-04 -
[D7802ZZDP], Letter from Charles A Seeley to Thomas Alva Edison, October 4th, 1878
1878-10-04 -
[D7802ZZDQ], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Joseph Thomas Murray, October 4th, 1878
1878-10-04 -
[D7802ZZDR], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Joseph W Hussey, October 4th, 1878
1878-10-04 -
[D7802ZZDS], Telegram from Joseph W Hussey to Thomas Alva Edison, October 5th, 1878
1878-10-05 -
[D7802ZZDU], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, October 5th, 1878
1878-10-05 -
[D7802ZZDV], Letter from Moses Gerrish Farmer to Thomas Alva Edison, October 7th, 1878
1878-10-07 -
[D7802ZZDW], Letter from Henry D Palmer to Thomas Alva Edison, October 7th, 1878
1878-10-07 -
[D7802ZZDX], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Sarah Jordan, October 7th, 1878
1878-10-07 -
[D7802ZZDY], Letter from George Milton Hopkins, Scientific American to Thomas Alva Edison, October 7th, 1878
1878-10-07 -
[D7802ZZDZ], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Fletcher Barrett, October 7th, 1878
1878-10-07 -
[D7802ZZDZ1], Letter from George R Byrne to Thomas Alva Edison, October 7th, 1878
1878-10-07 -
[D7802ZZEA], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, October 8th, 1878
1878-10-08 -
[D7802ZZEB], Letter from Partrick and Carter to Thomas Alva Edison, October 8th, 1878
1878-10-08 -
[D7802ZZEB1], Letter from Frank J Kellogg to Thomas Alva Edison, October 8th, 1878
1878-10-08 -
[D7802ZZEC], Telegram from Stockton L Griffin to Lewis Carr, October 8th, 1878
1878-10-08 -
[D7802ZZED], Telegram from Theodore Puskas to Thomas Alva Edison, October 9th, 1878
1878-10-09 -
[D7802ZZEE], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Lemuel Wright Serrell, October 9th, 1878
1878-10-09 -
[D7802ZZEF], Telegram from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, October 9th, 1878
1878-10-09 -
[D7802ZZEG], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Theodore Puskas, October 9th, 1878
1878-10-09 -
[D7802ZZEH], Telegram from Theodore Puskas to Thomas Alva Edison, October 10th, 1878
1878-10-10 -
[D7802ZZEI], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Theodore Puskas, October 10th, 1878
1878-10-10 -
[D7802ZZEJ], Letter from George Frederick Barker to Thomas Alva Edison, October 10th, 1878
1878-10-10 -
[D7802ZZEK], Letter from Asahel K Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, October 10th, 1878
1878-10-10 -
[D7802ZZEL], Letter from William D Wright to Thomas Alva Edison, October 10th, 1878
1878-10-10 -
[D7802ZZEM], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, October 10th, 1878
1878-10-10 -
[D7802ZZEM1], Letter from Miss B U Fitz Hugh to Thomas Alva Edison, October 10th, 1878
1878-10-10 -
[D7802ZZEN], Telegram from Theodore Puskas to Thomas Alva Edison, October 11th, 1878
1878-10-11 -
[D7802ZZEO], Letter from William Fraser Rae to Thomas Alva Edison, October 11th, 1878
1878-10-11 -
[D7802ZZEP], Letter from Henry D Palmer to Thomas Alva Edison, October 11th, 1878
1878-10-11 -
[D7802ZZEQ], Letter from George Bartlett Prescott to Thomas Alva Edison, October 11th, 1878
1878-10-11 -
[D7802ZZER], Letter from A L Fleury to Thomas Alva Edison, October 11th, 1878
1878-10-11 -
[D7802ZZES], Letter from Sarah Jordan to Thomas Alva Edison, October 11th, 1878
1878-10-11 -
[D7802ZZET], Letter from C R Richards to Thomas Alva Edison, October 12th, 1878
1878-10-12 -
[D7802ZZEU], Letter from James Adams to Thomas Alva Edison, October 12th, 1878
1878-10-12 -
[D7802ZZEV], Letter from George G Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, October 14th, 1878
1878-10-14 -
[D7802ZZEW], Letter from C L Madsen to Thomas Alva Edison, October 14th, 1878
1878-10-14 -
[D7802ZZEX], Letter from Daniel Hector Talbot to Thomas Alva Edison, October 14th, 1878
1878-10-14 -
[D7802ZZEY], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, October 14th, 1878
1878-10-14 -
[D7802ZZEZ], Letter from Joseph Norman Lockyer to Thomas Alva Edison, October 15th, 1878
1878-10-15 -
[D7802ZZFA], Letter from Anthony Weston Dimock to Thomas Alva Edison, October 16th, 1878
1878-10-16 -
[D7802ZZFB], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, October 16th, 1878
1878-10-16 -
[D7802ZZFC], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, October 16th, 1878
1878-10-16 -
[D7802ZZFD], Letter from Wilson Bristows and Carpmael to George Edward Gouraud, October 16th, 1878
1878-10-16 -
[D7802ZZFE], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Wilson Bristows and Carpmael, October 16th, 1878
1878-10-16 -
[D7802ZZFF], Letter from Joseph Thomas Murray to Thomas Alva Edison, October 17th, 1878
1878-10-17 -
[D7802ZZFG], Letter from Amasa Mason to Thomas Alva Edison, October 17th, 1878
1878-10-17 -
[D7802ZZFH], Letter from Francis Eugene Nipher to Thomas Alva Edison, October 17th, 1878
1878-10-17 -
[D7802ZZFI], Letter from James Graydon Johnston to Thomas Alva Edison, October 17th, 1878
1878-10-17 -
[D7802ZZFJ], Telegram from George G Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, October 18th, 1878
1878-10-18 -
[D7802ZZFK], Letter from Edwin M Fox to Thomas Alva Edison, October 18th, 1878
1878-10-18 -
[D7802ZZFL], Letter from William Fletcher Barrett to Thomas Alva Edison, October 18th, 1878
1878-10-18 -
[D7802ZZFM], Letter from William Fletcher Barrett to Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFN], Letter from Partrick and Carter to Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFO], Letter from W Le Conte Stevens to Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFP], Telegram from L H Davis to Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFQ], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to L H Davis, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFR], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Francis S Kinney, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFS], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Bergmann & Co, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFT], Letter from Bergmann & Co to Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFU], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFV], Letter from De Witt C Taylor to Josiah Custer Reiff, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFW], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1878
1878-10-19 -
[D7802ZZFX], Letter from Israel Ferguson to Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1878
1878-10-20 -
[D7802ZZFY], Letter from Felipe Fortuno to Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1878
1878-10-20 -
[D7802ZZFZ], Letter from George Frederick Barker to Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1878
1878-10-20 -
[D7802ZZFZ1], Letter from William Lorenz to Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1878
1878-10-20 -
[D7802ZZGA], Letter from S S King to Thomas Alva Edison, October 21st, 1878
1878-10-21 -
[D7802ZZGB], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Grosvenor Porter Lowrey, October 21st, 1878
1878-10-21 -
[D7802ZZGC], Letter from Grosvenor Porter Lowrey to Thomas Alva Edison, October 21st, 1878
1878-10-21 -
[D7802ZZGD], Telegram from Louis Fitzgerald to Thomas Alva Edison, October 21st, 1878
1878-10-21 -
[D7802ZZGE], Telegram from Stockton L Griffin to Thomas Alva Edison, October 21st, 1878
1878-10-21 -
[D7802ZZGF], Letter from Stockton L Griffin to Thomas Dolan, October 21st, 1878
1878-10-21 -
[D7802ZZGG], Letter from C T Harris to Thomas Alva Edison, September 12th, 1878
1878-09-12 -
[D7802ZZGH], Letter from C T Harris to Thomas Alva Edison, September 17th, 1878
1878-09-17 -
[D7802ZZGI], Letter from Wexel and De Gress, Frederick E Beardslee to Thomas Alva Edison, October 21st, 1878
1878-10-21 -
[D7802ZZGJ], Telegram from Hamilton McKown Twombly to Thomas Alva Edison, October 23rd, 1878
1878-10-23 -
[D7802ZZGK], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Hamilton McKown Twombly, October 23rd, 1878
1878-10-23 -
[D7802ZZGL], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Leslie Dodd Ward, October 24th, 1878
1878-10-24 -
[D7802ZZGM], Letter from Frank R Meyer to Thomas Alva Edison, October 24th, 1878
1878-10-24 -
[D7802ZZGN], Letter from Hilborne Lewis Roosevelt to Thomas Alva Edison, October 24th, 1878
1878-10-24 -
[D7802ZZGO], Letter from R D Young to Thomas Alva Edison, October 24th, 1878
1878-10-24 -
[D7802ZZGP], Letter from J H Gilbert to Thomas Alva Edison, October 25th, 1878
1878-10-25 -
[D7802ZZGQ], Letter from Francis Eugene Nipher to Thomas Alva Edison, October 25th, 1878
1878-10-25 -
[D7802ZZGR], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Leslie Dodd Ward, October 25th, 1878
1878-10-25 -
[D7802ZZGS], Telegram from George Bartlett Prescott to Charles Batchelor, October 25th, 1878
1878-10-25 -
[D7802ZZGT], Telegram from Charles Batchelor to George Bartlett Prescott, October 25th, 1878
1878-10-25 -
[D7802ZZGU], Telegram from Tracy Robinson Edson to Thomas Alva Edison, October 25th, 1878
1878-10-25 -
[D7802ZZGV], Telegram from Charles Batchelor to Tracy Robinson Edson, October 25th, 1878
1878-10-25 -
[D7802ZZGW], Telegram from Leslie Dodd Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, October 25th, 1878